Bitcoin (BTC) is the first decentralized cryptocurrency providing peer-to-peer (P2P) payment network, which allow a person or group of people to send digital cash without moderator.
Essential details:
Why invest in Bitcoin?
The supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins. It is “store of value” that can hedge against inflation.
Bitcoin solves the Double Spend Problem which means criminals cannot create fake bitcoins. Counterfeiting is impossible.
Bitcoin is open-source protocol owned or controlled by no one. It’s run by the community of its users. Having no banks in control makes sending and receiving money cheaper, faster, and easier.
Unlike traditional money, Bitcoin can be spent in much smaller amounts, called Satoshis (all the way up to 8 decimal places). This means that it can be used even for tiny purchases.
Bitcoin uses cryptography to securely send payments. The code is so strong that tampering is virtually impossible. There is a lot of money held in Bitcoin, but it has never been hacked!